/ About

Welcome to CORE
Here’s What We Do

CORE’s mission:
Help entrepreneurs in Douglas County start and grow their businesses. Check out our 2-Year Plan.

Need help?

Are you an aspiring or current entrepreneur? Are you facing a specific challenge or need general assistance? We’ll meet with you to recommend resources and experts who can help.

Attend an event

We strive to promote all local entrepeneur events. CORE meets monthly to address the needs of our member businesses and help develop the larger entrepreneurial community.

Let’s talk

Have a question or want to get in touch? Please send us a message and we’ll get back with you asap!

Who we are

CORE is a growing community of entrepreneurs and supporters. 

Marlin Bates

County Extension Director, K-State Resarch and Extension

Kyle Johnson

Founder / CEO, Bixy

John Christie

President, Sunflower Advisory Group